A Journey into
Hypnosis has the ability to offer transformative change at its core.
By working with the Superconscious mind we can effectively address and modify the underlying causes, both physical and emotional that hold you back from the quality of life you know is available to you.
During a hypnosis session you will experience deep relaxation. You will neturalize negative thoughts and behaviors, overcome blocks and fears and enhance self-esteem. Your positive affirmations and goals are provided to your subconscious and your life shifts.
“When you let go of what no longer serves you, you make room for freedom and happiness.”
~ Michelle B
Types of sessions offered
Individual sessions are available either in-person at our office online. Both types of sessions are equally effective. During these sessions, we focus on addressing the specific issues that are causing problems in your life. By working with your subconscious mind, we aim to identify the root cause of these issues and neutralize their impact. Our goal is to create new, positive beliefs within your subconscious mind, ultimately supporting your overall well-being.
Confidence & Self Esteem
Fears and phobias
Interview Ease
Public Speaking
Test Taking
Better Sleep/Insomnia
PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD recovery
Trauma management and coping strategies
Serious physical or sexual abuse
Group sessions are available for general topics. We focus on one topic and each person is able to tap into their own personal issues around that topic. As in a one on one session we work with the subconscious mind to identify and neutralize the core issue. Currently, group sessions are onlly available online.
Creating Healthy relationshps
Being Loveable
Confidence & Self Worth
Family Relationships
Childhood Traumas
Physical and Mental Abuse
Lack of Self Worth
Social Skills
Pregnancy and Fertility
Getting Pregnant
An easy pregnancy
Working with Teens and Kids
Confidence & Self Esteem
Social Anxiety
Release negative messages
Release anger
Nail Biting
Bed Wetting
Sleep Talk